Andrew Saunders (CMO), Øystein Rekdal (CSO), Baldur Sveinbjørnsson (Senior researcher), Ketil Camilio (Senior researcher) and Brynjar Mauseth (PhD Student) represented Lytix Biopharma at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) in New Orleans April 16-21, 2016. Leading scientists and a large number of pharmaceutical companies attends the conference, and the mission is to prevent and cure cancer through research, education, communication and collaboration.
Together with scientific collaborators at Institut Gustav Roussy, Oslo University Hospital and University of Tromsø Lytix Biopharma presented 4 posters at the conference:
Sunday April 17, 2016:
Monday April 18, 2016:
Wednesday April 20, 2016:

Andrew Saunders, Ketil Camilio and Øystein Rekdal.

Brynjar Mauseth and Baldur Sveinbjørnsson