3rd Annual ICI Boston took place March 14-16, 2017, and Lytix Biopharma, by invitation, got the opportunity to present LTX-315 under the title ‘Oncolytic peptides - a novel approach to make tumors more sensitive to immune checkpoint inhibitors’.
ICI Boston is the annual event that unites pioneering the drug developers who have successfully developed and implemented IO monotherapies and combinations. The title of this years’ ICI Boston was ‘Driving the industry pipeline of next generation immune checkpoint modulators’, and the conference claims to give comprehensive drug development insights to empower the participants to realize the potential of immuno-oncology.
Focused exclusively on identifying clinically effective combinations, validating patient selection biomarkers and assessing novel target pathways, ICI Boston is the only forum to provide a balanced and comprehensive insight into the development of the next generation of IO therapeutic strategies. This meeting was focusing on immune checkpoint inhibitors, and the conference gives the participants the opportunity to drill into the specific drug development challenges preventing immune checkpoint drugs from realizing their full potential. Pioneers including BMS, Merck, Genentech, MedImmune and Novartis presented multiple perspectives on the field.
Håkan Wickholm (CEO), Øystein Rekdal (CSO) and Andrew Saunders (CMO) from Lytix Biopharma joined the leaders in the field and presented LTX-315’s preclinical and clinical properties to reshape the tumor microenvironment and thereby sensitize the tumors to immune checkpoint inhibitors. The presentation was very well received.